Seattle Public Schools

Earthquake Drill to be Held October 19

Summary: Washington state will be practicing earthquake preparedness on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023.

Are You Ready to ShakeOut? 

Millions of people live and work in earthquake-prone regions of the U.S. A major earthquake could cause unprecedented devastation for one of these regions but also affect the economy of the entire country. What we do now, before a big earthquake, will determine how well we survive and recover.  

The Great Washington ShakeOut drill is held annually on the third Thursday of October. This year, International ShakeOut Day is Oct. 19. However, people and organizations can hold their drills on any day of the year. 

A key aspect of the ShakeOut is the integration of comprehensive science-based earthquake research and the lessons learned from decades of social science research about why people get prepared. The result is a teachable moment on par with having an actual earthquake (often followed by increased interest in getting ready for earthquakes). ShakeOut creates the sense of urgency that is needed for communities to get prepared, to practice what to do to be safe, and to learn what plans need to be improved. 

Families, schools, businesses, or organizations can register to participate in the drill.

Registered participants will receive information on how to plan their drill and involve others. At the minimum, practice one of the recommended protective actions. It is only a one-minute commitment for something that can save your life.

For more information, visit the Shake Out website.

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