Seattle Public Schools

School Levies

Capital Levies

Building Excellence (BEX) and Buildings, Technology, and Academics (BTA) Capital Levies

Construction and Technology Funding

Voter-approved capital levies are the primary funding source for school construction, modernization, and capital improvements. Technology used by students, teachers, school staff, and administrators, and for district operations is also primarily funded by capital levies. Capital levies are local education property taxes. Every three years, the district asks voters to approve renewal of one of the six-year capital levies.

Seattle Public Schools alternates between two levies: Building Excellence (BEX) and Buildings, Technology, and Academics (BTA). Both are six-year levies, meaning that tax money is received for six years, even if projects continue.

BEX levies enable us to continue the construction of new school buildings, new additions, and major renovations to existing buildings. BTA levies fund small renovations, major maintenance, and improvement projects in school buildings. Both levies include important technology funding.

Current construction projects

Department of Technology Services (DoTS)

Next Levy

Planning is currently in progress for the next capital levy, BEX VI, which is expected to be on the ballot in February 2025. Community engagement and information sharing will begin in 2024.

Recent Capital Levies

2022: BTA V — approved by nearly 80% of Seattle voters

2019: BEX V — approved by 73% of Seattle voters

2016: BTA IV

2013: BEX IV


Capital Projects and Planning Department

Richard Best, Director

Helpful Links

Capital Projects and Planning Department

Current Construction Projects

Department of Technology Services (DoTS)

SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act)