Seattle Public Schools


Community Partnerships

Boys in class

SPS School and Community Partnerships

Mission and Vision

The mission of the School and Community Partnerships Department (SCP) is to build collaborative, 跨部门合作体系,为学生提供一致的、以学生为中心的支持和体验生态系统.

SCP’s vision is that Seattle Public Schools and Community Partners build transformational, equity-driven, anti-racist partnerships that spark students’ curiosity, affirm their identities, and support them to thrive in school and in life.

Areas of Focus

Our department collaborates with partners representing our district, community-based organizations (CBOs) and public agencies. 我们寻求建立新的、改进的与各部门合作伙伴的合作方式,以便我们能够在为青年服务的共同工作中找到一致性,并共同努力为伙伴关系的蓬勃发展提供适当的支持.

我们部门致力于创造和提供支持,以建立学校和社区组织有效和真正的合作伙伴的能力. We also work to create connections between Seattle Public Schools (SPS) departments and partners, especially to promote alignment with district priorities and key initiatives. 为了了解丰富的专业学习机会,我们的部门和合作伙伴共同为社区组织组织, visit our Professional Development page.

In order to support consistent, high-quality partnerships, our office is engaged in building and improving partnership onboarding processes, establishing key partnership tools and processes, and providing technical assistance. In addition, we will build systems to better match schools and partners, to support principals to effectively select partners that will meet their students’ needs, and to support both schools and community-based organizations to align services and work through challenges.

我们的部门寻求建立一致的和可访问的系统,以收集来自cbo的反馈,这些反馈以有色人种学生为中心,远离教育公正, as well as centering Black-led and culturally-responsive CBOs to inform partnership models, approaches and supports for schools and partnering organizations.

Strategic Initiatives

The SCP Department has a number of strategic initiatives. These initiatives are borne from strong, 有意与支持正规买足球的App的主要战略合作伙伴建立伙伴关系,以改善儿童的成果.

这项倡议旨在以创新的方式解决和结束我们社区普遍存在的几代人贫困循环. Together, 我们专注于改善低收入儿童和青年的教育成果,作为支持家庭和加强我们更广泛社区的一项战略.

Read more about the district housing partnerships.

The Community Alignment Initiative is a framework that guides how schools and school-based before and after school licensed child care programs, community learning centers, and school-based health centers work collectively to support the academic pursuits, social and emotional development, and overall well-being of students. Visit our Aligned Partners page to learn more

Creative Advantage is a public-private partnership between the City of Seattle, Seattle Public Schools, the Seattle Foundation and community-based organizations. Through this partnership, we work to ensure equitable implementation of the arts for all students in the District. Visit the Creative Advantage website to learn more.

The City’s Department of Education and Early Learning and Seattle Public Schools are working in partnership to implement strategic investments in select elementary, middle and high schools during the school year, summer learning programs, physical and mental health supports, and community-based family support organizations.    

In 2011 Seattle University launched the Seattle University Youth Initiative, 这是一个长期的承诺,将校园和更广泛的社区联合起来,以提高生活在更大的Yesler Terrace/Bailey Gatzert社区的低收入青年的学术成就. For more information on how the partnership functions and lesson learned thus far, check out this report from Cohen Research and Evaluation.

2023-24 Partnership Recognitions

Our community is enriched by the hundreds of community partnerships that celebrate, engage, and support the students and families of Seattle Public Schools. Strong partnerships between schools, our central office, and community-based organizations are key to ensuring that every student has the supports they need to thrive. 以下是在2023-24学年期间对正规买足球的App学生产生积极影响的一些令人惊叹的合作伙伴关系, nominated by members of our community.

Have a celebration to share? We want to hear about it! Use this form to tell us more.

我们想听听你和你的组织在庆祝什么,这样我们就可以传播好消息,提升你的成功. Please use the form below to tell us more.

School Connect Washington was started in 2022, 在西雅图华人联合教会与迪尔伯恩公园国际小学长期合作的基础上. This partnership currently focuses on after school programming, creating a safe space where students get 1:1 tutoring combined with a place to be kids and have fun. School Connect WA accommodate for learning at all levels and skills, and partners with Dearborn Park staff to develop specific learning plans for each student in the program. As a result, Dearborn Park staff celebrated student participants tremendous academic growth, but increases in confidence, engagement and love of learning.

School Connect WA has laid a strong foundation of partnership, and that wouldn’t be possible without the collaboration and support from school administrators and teachers. 学校连接西澳付出了巨大的努力,使他们的节目与迪尔伯恩公园工作人员在上学期间组织的小型干预小组保持一致. This includes regular planning conversations with school staff and weekly check ins. 这种有意的合作使他们的课后指导对学生在课堂上的成功产生了重大影响.

Wrote one parent of a student in the program: “She is now above her grade level and is thriving in school. She LOVES learning and her favorite subject is math. 我可以自信地说,学校连接西澳对缩小我的两个孩子的学业差距有直接的影响。”.

Please visit School Connect Washington’s website to learn more!

来自敖德萨布朗儿童诊所(OBCC)的校本健康中心以无数的方式为洛厄尔小学的学生和家庭提供医疗支持, dental, mental health, and basic needs. Lowell administration and staff and OBCC collaborate closely across multiple support teams, 包括家庭参与委员会和社会情感学习团队,以确保所有学生都能免费获得所需的服务,并尽量减少对学习的干扰. As a part of OBCC’s commitment to an integrated school partnership, the OBCC clinic is present at many school events to increase visibility and alignment, and to build meaningful family connections. Additionally, the OBCC health center provides services like telehealth, language interpretation, and vaccine clinics to further help remove barriers for families.

OBCC’s commitment to ensuring access to services for students and families and supports an increase in student health, wellness, and school engagement. Midway through the 2022-23 school year, the OBCC clinic had approximately 30 students enrolled in the clinic. This year, as a result the relentless outreach of OBCC staff and school partnership alignment, there are now 200 students enrolled. OBCC的工作人员也发挥了关键作用,帮助确保没有学生因疫苗接种要求而被排除在外.

The clinic coordinator shared, “As I sit at my desk in the clinic, I get kids waving hello, 其他学生带着通行证来到诊所——他们只是需要休息一下,他们要求在诊所里坐一会儿来减压. Our custodian bestows upon me gifts of homemade baked goods. Our conference room is used by the nurse for hearing checks, the social worker for groups, and everything in between… All of this tells me that we are part of the community, the larger school community, and all the work we are doing is paying off.”

We are thankful for this powerful partnership. Thank you, Lowell Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and School Based Health Center!

Providence Mount St. Vincent partners with the SPS BRIDGES program to provide valuable work experience in a community program, 让我们的过渡学生学习专业的工作技能,这将有助于他们在毕业后找到有收入的工作. This year Providence expanded the partnership to include into many more Providence departments, growing from 2 internship sites to 9, including Engineering, Building Operations, Providence Foundation, the Intergenerational Learning Center, and many more!

The partnership between Bridges and Providence has helped build a new community of inclusion for these young adults, allowing them to gain work experience and build upon life skills in a safe, caring environment where they are known and acknowledged for their contributions to the community. 这让学生获得自信,并学会在他们过渡到成人世界时为自己的需求辩护.  Providence has proven to be an incredibly strong community partner, solidly focused on supporting the Bridges Program and its mission to empower young adults with disabilities.

邻里之家今年与霍桑小学合作,为家庭提供了一个由多个部分组成的研讨会,名为“指导好的选择”. This workshop is an effective evidence-based parenting skills workshop developed by the University of Washington. It has been shown to increase parent and youth communication, supporting families with setting clear guidelines and rules, building strong relationships, and supporting healthy choices with their kids.

Hawthorne sought out this partnership in response to families asking for more tools to support their youth. The workshop consisted of 5 sessions, once a week for 5 weeks. 这次研讨会如此成功的部分原因是多个合作伙伴之间的协调,以帮助消除参与的障碍. Workshops were held in both English and Spanish, dinner was provided by Neighborhood House, and childcare was coordinated by the PTA and provided by another wonderful partner, Launch. This excellent collaboration ensured that family turnout was high, 来自家庭的反馈是,他们重视这个支持性的空间来分享挑战,讨论他们可以用来应对这些挑战的工具和策略.

这种伙伴关系是霍桑员工倾听家庭需求并与邻里之家这样值得信赖的组织合作来帮助解决这些需求的一个很好的例子. Thank you Neighborhood House! Visit to learn more about Guiding Good Choices.

金县工作学校项目与BRIDGES合作,帮助有发育和智力障碍的学生在高中毕业前找到第一份有薪工作. The School-to-Work program motto is ‘Jobs by June’ and they live up to that promise! Students receive job placement, job coaching/training, and job retention supports. 这种伙伴关系之所以蓬勃发展,是因为双方都希望支持学生和家庭尽可能无缝地从学校过渡到成人生活, as well as a core value that all students, regardless of their disability, have the right to employment and the opportunity to contribute to their communities. 金县工作学校还展示了为不同的学生和家庭服务的持续承诺,并提供语言访问支持,帮助他们在毕业后支持所需的复杂系统中导航. To learn more about the King County School to Work Program, please visit their website.

Seattle and King County Programs

To get an idea of the many programs and services available in Seattle and King County, please visit:

Email List for Partners

We periodically send out emails to our partners with updates and opportunities. If you would like to be added to this email list, email us at