Seattle Public Schools

Preparing for Winter Weather

Summary: Seattle Public Schools is actively monitoring weather forecasts and road conditions.

Winter Weather Preparation

When winter weather arrives in Seattle, SPS must determine schedule changes for the entire district. We recognize this decision may not always fit with what individual neighborhoods are experiencing. The city of Seattle has a wide variation of weather conditions because of our landscape.  

确保学生在远程学习时拥有设备当西雅图预报恶劣天气时, the SPS operations team works with our schools to implement their device distribution plan to ensure all students bring home devices.

Schools receive notice in the days before winter weather hits to remind them to send home student laptops and devices with students in case we need to switch to remote learning.


  • 确保你的正规买足球的App与你的学生所在学校保持一致
  • Set message preferences in SchoolMessenger to receive inclement weather and emergency communications.
  • 如果你的学生有交通服务,检查他们的公交路线.
  • 早上留出额外的时间去上学.
  • Wear bright clothing so drivers can see you in the early morning and late evening.
  • Dress for the cold weather. 戴上帽子、手套和靴子来保暖.
  • 在人行道或安全的人行道上行走. 尽可能面对交通.
  • 走路时注意交通.
  • 走路时把手伸出口袋,保持身体平衡, 把物品放在你的口袋或包里.


If snow or ice in the Seattle area affects road conditions, our schools may have schedule changes. Student and staff safety is a priority when making decisions related to inclement weather.

Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Education Association have created a plan to use technology and remote learning instruction so students can continue to learn from home during inclement weather/snow days. 

根据天气条件,我们有两种可能的情况- 两小时后开始面对面学习 or school buildings closed with 学生在家从事远程学习


Scenario 1: Two hours late; buses operating on snow routes. When the district is operating on snow routes (two-hour delay) the following changes apply. 

  • Childcare:请向您的托儿服务提供者查询上学前或放学后的托儿服务.
  • Preschool:
    • 全日制学前班,SPP和启智计划正在运行.
    • All half-day preschool programs are closed including Head Start and Developmental Preschool.
    • 学前持续强化服务(PCIS)学前教育项目已经关闭.
  • Skills Center (参加技能中心课程的高中生):
    • 早上的技能中心课程取消.
    • 下午的技能中心课程正在进行, 但不提供小区黄色公交接送班级. After classes are dismissed, transportation back to the student’s enrolled school will be provided.
  • 课后活动没有交通工具: Check with your school about athletics and after school activities that don’t require transportation.

Please check the 正规买足球的App署恶劣天气网页 有关交通服务的详情. In early December, families with students who receive transportation services (yellow bus or van) will receive a separate letter in the mail with information about the snow routes for their student’s bus route. 

金县地铁也可能在下雪或冰天雪地期间运营雪道. 使用金县地铁上学的学生可以 查看地铁积雪路线信息


Scenario 2: Students at home engaged in remote learning due to inclement weather.

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and Seattle Education Association (SEA) worked together to create a remote instruction plan for potential snow days. We cannot predict or control the weather, but we can maximize our response to it. Technology provides a way to engage with students even when winter weather makes it unsafe to go to school buildings.  

由于天气原因,远程教学的第一天, there will be a two-hour delayed start. 这个较晚的开始将确保员工和学生准备好开始学习. 如果有连续几天的恶劣天气, 接下来的几天将按照标准开始时间开始. 


Families will receive communication from the district if we have a two-hour delay or are switching to remote learning. Families will also receive communication from your student’s school with more information about how the school day will look if we have a remote learning day. 

由于天气原因,远程教学的第一天, there will be a two-hour delayed start. 这个较晚的开始将确保员工和学生准备好开始学习. 如果有连续几天的恶劣天气, 接下来的几天将按照标准开始时间开始. 

SPS Student Devices  

Every student has access to an SPS device (laptop for older students or iPads for younger grades).

For our elementary students who may not be bringing SPS devices to and from school on a regular basis, staff will prepare student devices to be sent home before inclement weather events.  

需要上网的家庭应该这样做 申请可负担网络连接计划 (ACP).



如果整个学校社区都受到停电的影响, 学区可以要求个别学校紧急关闭. 


学校将遵循与典型的全日制学校相同的时间表. 由于天气原因,远程教学的第一天, however, there will be a two-hour late start in order to ensure that staff and students are ready to begin learning. 在那之后,将遵循正常的学校时间表.


你的学生应该有一个充电器和他们的SPS设备. 重要的是要跟踪充电器,因为它将无法更换,如果丢失.


Because road conditions are generally considered unsafe during inclement weather, 在与天气有关的关闭期间,建筑物将不提供膳食. 

Schools are encouraged to consider ways to support students in advance of inclement weather when possible. This support may look similar to supports provided to families during extended breaks such as winter break. 

Stay Informed

如果天气状况需要改变行程, the SPS Communications team will share the schedule change in the following ways.  

家属将在早上5点左右得到通知.m. on the morning of a weather event through phone voice messages, emails, and text messages. 最新情况也将与当地媒体分享, on social media, 还有学区和学校的网站. 

SPS will notify families if there is a schedule change. Our standard practice is to assume that school buildings are open and buses are running on a regular schedule unless otherwise communicated.

Local Media

  • Local TV stations: KOMO 4, KING 5, KIRO 7, FOX 13 
  • Radio: 已知AM 1000(以前的KOMO), KIRO 97.3 FM 

District Social Media: Facebook SeattlePublicSchools , Instagram SeattlePublicSchools, and Twitter @SeaPubSchools

District and School Websites:我们会在学区和学校网站上发布最新的课程表.

Email 致家长、监护人和员工.  

电话语音留言和短信 to parents and guardians. 


家庭收到电话留言, email, 以及发给学生学校存档的正规买足球的App的短信. If you are not receiving communications from SPS, we may not have your correct contact information. 关于如何管理您的偏好的说明. 


During a severe snowstorm, SDOT crews work 24 hours a day to clear crucial streets around the city for buses and emergency services. 我们不可能同时出现在所有地方, and it may take up to 12 hours to clear all these streets after a break in the storm.   

请做一个好邻居,帮助保持西雅图这个冬天的运转! 储备除雪用品,保持人行道畅通, curb ramps, 你家附近还有排水沟, business, or job site free of leaves, snow, and ice.   

Visit SDOT’s winter weather webpage 查看雪路图和更多关于如何准备的提示.   

浏览本由交通部发出的讯息: አማርኛ • اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ • 繁体字 • 简体中文 • ភាសាខ្មែរ • 한국어 • Oromiffa • русский язык • af-Soomaali • Español • Tagalog • ភាសាខ្ម • ትግርኛ • Tiếng việt • English

Other information from SDOT 

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